Broken trunk of an Aluminum Tree

Collecting and restoring vintage aluminum Christmas trees
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Broken trunk of an Aluminum Tree

Post by paulrace »

A reader writes:

We have an aluminum christmas tree that was my wife's grandmother's. It has the base that turns as well as the color wheel and all. However, the silver painted wooden pole broke this year and I've having a tough time finding where I can buy just the wooden pole. Do you know of any place? I haven't measured but it's 4ft tall at least.

----Our reply-----------

I'm forwarding your note to a friend who runs the Noellkat vintage Christmas decoration store on Etsy. He knows way more than I do about these things. I'll also hazard and "educated guess" or two.

There were a number of manufacturers, as well as a number of different sizes. So you might have trouble matching the size of the pole, but even if you got a pole the right size from, say, a damaged set, it might not have the right size or number of holes for your "branches." Fred may have more specifics, but it should be possible to buy a dowell the right size from a lumber or hardware store (a flagpole, maybe), then study the pattern of all the little holes in your old pole, get out a hand drill, and try to match that with the new pole. The hardest part of that might be getting the holes in the correct angle so your branches stick out evenly. So you might want to try a row or two and see if you're getting close before you drill the whole thing.

Sorry I can't be more specific. Best of luck with your tree - Paul
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Re: Broken trunk of an Aluminum Tree

Post by paulrace »

Fred Fox added:

There are no sellers of pre-drilled poles and finding the right size doweling can be difficult. Brad, it might be easier to try to salvage and repair the pole if possible, as Paul said, getting the holes right is tough and time consuming. Try to wood glue it back together if possible or, I hate to say it, silver duct tape would work well if it is a long lengthwise break. If the silver wrap is badly torn, aluminum foil makes a nice replacement.

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Re: Broken trunk of an Aluminum Tree

Post by paulrace »

The reader replied:

Hi all - I wanted to follow up and thank you all again for the replies and suggestions. I'm attaching proof that a combo of gorilla glue and duct tape got the pole back together without issue. The color wheel isn't pictured but the tree was my wife's grandmother's and we both cherish it. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy, safe and excellent start to 2015. Thanks, again!
xmas-tree-2014.JPG (89.08 KiB) Viewed 19119 times
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