In the "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade" department....
Some years ago I made a very detailed landscape platform from moss, cardboard and styrofoam for my elaborate Fontanini Nativity, the pieces lovingly collected over the years (the carpenter's shed is a piece by Howard Lamey" and started off life as a small stable). In any case, the lights had been strategically placed (I invested in what was at the time, an expensive LED string--and permanently mounted in just the right places). It was a pain in the ass to store, it shed moss constantly, and took up a lot of closet space---but I loved it....and then....
Last year the lights died--AFTER it had been all assembled...quite a went on...and post-Christmas season, the platform went to the trash...
I meant to make another one, but the business of life and some health issues got in the way....not having a platform gave me an opportunity to try something new---like using an old table runner I love---and the battery operated "balloon" lights I got on sale from Victorian Trading...all and all I am pretty can see it all at ... 6035156038