Some time back I wrote an article about trying to find the same Woolworth's plaster nativity figures that Dad and Mom had. ... tivity.htm
This week at Goodwill, Shelia found a sheep from that era and three more that resembled sheep we accumulated in the 1960s.
Little by little. One of the plaster sheep has glue on the bottom, which tells me it came in one of those nativities that is all glued together. Never mind, it looks enough like the rest to fit in.
Woolworth's Plaster Nativity figures
Re: Woolworth's Plaster Nativity figures
In a trip to Crawfordsville, Ind, in January, 2015, I found a camel driver similar to the one Dad had, but a generation newer - the mold is slightly different and there are grass blades molded into his base. Still, he'll have a place in our nativity until the exact one comes along at least.
Re: Woolworth's Plaster Nativity figures
Three angels found at the Springfield Extravaganza 9/19/2015.
Two have been painted with a salmonish latex paint. So had several other pieces I didn't buy because they would have been duplicates. (And she overcharged me for these three). Trying to remove the paint without removing plaster now.
Two have been painted with a salmonish latex paint. So had several other pieces I didn't buy because they would have been duplicates. (And she overcharged me for these three). Trying to remove the paint without removing plaster now.