Written by Paul D. Race for Family Christmas OnlineTM |
Family Christmas MoviesThis page will contain links to Christmas-themed movies we've enjoyed watching together as a family. If your favorite movie isn't on our page, take heart, we have many more in our "queue," but we started with our very favorite movies first. About DVDs versus Blue-Ray: Today, people who want their home theater experience to be as close as possible to a theatrical experience (without the noisy jerk in the next row) are going to very large screens with 1080p (maximum HD) resolution, and Blue-Ray disks. On such an optimum screen, you CAN tell the difference between a DVD and a Blue-Ray disk. On the other hand, if you have a 37" or smaller screen and one of those DVD players that "upconverts" resolution by digitally interpolating lines, the difference between DVD and Blue-Ray is not nearly as dramatic as it seems in the "big box" stores. Also, Blue-Ray doesn't add that much detail to made-for-TV shows, most hand-drawn animation, or most unrestored movies made before 1970, because there isn't that much detail on the screens to begin with. I have a 37" 1080i and a 22" 1080P, and one of those DVD players that "Upconverts" resolution by digitally interpolating lines of resolution - I have to say that on a well-made DVD, the resolution is very nice with both setups. In fact, unless I wanted to sit with my nose to the screen, I doubt that Blue-Ray would significantly enhance my viewing pleasure. Why We Have Mostly DVD Links: Most of the movies we profile are reasonably priced on DVD, and it's not like you're going to be watching them year-round, so we have started out providing DVD links first. Finally it's worth noting that neither Blue-Ray nor DVD can improve the writing or acting - the movies we are recommending here are worth watching, whatever format you decide to "spring for." In fact, Disney's Small One is better on VHS, since the DVD versions cut out a very good song and make edits to "dumb down" the show for kids. At any rate, we're starting out linking to DVD, though we don't have a problem with you buying the Blue-Ray version if you think you'd rather have that. If we get time, we may start providing links to the Blue-Ray version as well later on. But in most cases, if you click on the DVD link, somewhere on the page, Amazon will give you the option of buying the Blue-Ray version instead. For each movie we review, we will try to include reviews and links for your convenience, usually to the DVD on Amazon. When a "Video on Demand" version is available, we will try to provide the link for that, too, in case you're in a hurry to see something and can't wait to order the movie. Sorting Things Out: Finally, we've tried to sort movies into categories to make it easier to navigate, although you will notice that some movies are in two or more categories, what can I say, they belong there. More to Come: We have at least two categories to add, that aren't ready at the moment, so check back later in the year. In the meantime, if we've left out your favorite family friendly Christmas-themed movie, please let us know and we'll check into it. Click on the "bold faced" headings below to go to any "collection." If you click on the movie name, you will most generally wind up at a mini-review (although a few of the links take you right to the movie on Amazon). The collections we have so far are:
Christmas Movies for the Whole FamilyBreak out the popcorn and make it a "Family Christmas Movie Night." Although many of these movies also appear in other categories, these were chosen because they are especially worth spending family time on, and a few have sections that you might have to explain to your kids. .
Christmas Movies to Watch With Your ChildrenEach of these movies is worth making a "family event." They are so well written that you will enjoy them along with your children. This page includes feature films and short specials including:Short Features (under 30 minutes)
Full-Length Features
Christmas Movies for KidsThis collection includes movies you loved as a kid, including a few you wouldn't mind an excuse to see again. They are "kid-friendly" in the best ways.
Honorable Mentions:
Christmas-Themed Comedy MoviesLooking for a Christmas movie that can get you laughing together as a family? Some of the movies in this collection are less "warm and fuzzy" than others, but they are all funny and rated PG or milder, including:
Classic Christmas MoviesFor authentic, old-timey fun, you can't beat the true classics:
Dickens' Christmas Carol and Related MoviesSince Charles Dickens told of a miser who is brought "out of time and space" to see the effect of his choices on those around him, there have been many other stories of characters placed in "alternate realities" until they learned an important truth about their own lives and choices. This page lists movies based on A Christmas Carol, as well as Christmas movies with similar themes. The links below will take you right to an Amazon page that lists the movies.
Downloadable Christmas MoviesSnowed in or desperate for time, but still would like some holiday cheer. If you have access to a high-speed Internet link, you can download movies to watch now or later on your computer (some of you can finally take advantage of that VGA plug on the back of your new televisions). These movies are all available to order, but if you're out of time, or you're not sure you need to own the DVD, this is a good alternative. Clicking any of these titles will take you to a review of the move on the "Downloads" page." You can also visit the Downloadable Christmas Movies page for more information on how downloading movies from Amazon works.
As always, please contact us with any questions, suggestions, or corrections. Paul and Shelia Race To return to the Family Christmas OnlineTM Home Page, click here.
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