Cantique de Noël/Minuit, Chrétiens (O, Holy Night) from Family Christmas OnlineTMPlacide Cappeau (1808-1877) was a one-handed French businessman who, among other endeavors, managed wine shipments and wrote poems as a hobby. For a time, he was also mayor of the French town of Roquemaure, which sometimes causes Cappeau's name to be given as Cappeau de Roquemaure. Cappeau's name for these verses was "Cantique de Noël," literally "Song of Christmas." The French song, like its English translation, is sometimes called by its first line. In French that is: "Minuit, Chrétiens," which literally means "Midnight, Christians." The tune was written by classical French composer Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856). One account has it that Adam was a friend of a friend of Cappeau and that he wrote the tune in time for the Roquemaure Parish's Midnight Mass in 1847. At first some clergy in France claimed that they didn't think the song was was "religious" enough for use in services, it's possible that the church hierarchy was objecting more to the song's authors (a free-thinking wine merchant and and a composer of popular music.) The English words on this page were written by American Unitarian clergyman John S. Dwight (1812-1893). We know that some English translations had appeared by 1855, but not everyone is comfortable with assigning Dwight's translation that early. We do know that Dwight, like Cappeau, was fiercely opposed to slavery. This passion finds its way into Dwight's lines "Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, and in His name, all oppression shall cease." The next time you sing those lines remember that as Dwight composed them that demands for abolition from the North were getting louder every day, as were threats of succession from the South. We have left out a second verse that is seldom sung in English. French Text Minuit, chrétiens,
Le Rédempteur
English Oh holy night!
Truly He taught us to love one another
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